Generate multiple-choice questions based on recorded class content with Quiz Me, our AI-powered quiz engine, to give you a flying start with your studies!
Discover how Quiz Me can help you feel more prepared and less stressed before exams.
1. Record a class in Glean and generate a transcription (written version) of the audio.
2. Click the Quiz Me icon in the toolbar to generate five tailored multiple-choice questions for you to answer. You can refresh these questions for a new set if you want.
3. Read your results summary to find any gaps in your knowledge - your feedback will highlight both strong and weak areas helping you reflect and identify areas to focus on.
4. Ready for round two? Retake the quiz, or generate a new set of questions!
Quiz Me helps you move information from your short-term memory (where things are easily forgotten) to your long-term memory (where you can access it when needed, like during an exam!)
To do this, Quiz Me provides high-quality multiple-choice questions that ensures a level of difficulty which actually boosts your learning.
Your transcription is only used to generate your quiz, not to train the AI model. If you’d like to know more about how we use AI within Glean, click here.
We don’t store your AI data, so your results will only be available during the study session. If you leave the app, you will have to generate a new quiz. Top tip - don’t forget to screenshot your summary!
We hope by now you’ve got an idea as to how Quiz Me can help your studies. Using multiple-choice questions can be as beneficial for learning as short answer tests, when pairing high-quality questions with adequate feedback (more than a simple ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’).