How many?!

Did you know: more than 80% of students at your University would be classed as "non-traditional" students

The "non-traditional" is now the "new majority"

The demographics of students entering Higher Education has changed - and so have their support needs.

At your University, more than 80% of students would be classed as "new majority learners".

What does that mean for their support needs?

Who are the "new majority"?

New majority learners are defined as learners who identify with one or more of the following:

  • First generation students
  • Pell-eligible students
  • Part-time students
  • Students with children
  • Working students
  • Students entering higher education later in life (22+)
  • Students with a disability or who are neurodivergent
  • Students who are a person of color, specifically Black, Indigenous, or Latinx
  • Students who speak English as a second language
  • Veteran students
  • Students who are immigrants
  • and more

We estimate that at your University, more than 80% of students would be classed as part of the "new majority".

If student demographics have changed so vastly, how does support need to change?

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Support needs of the "new majority"

There are 3 groups within the "new majority" that need academic support:

  • Learners with barriers - students who have innate barriers either through disability, mental health challenges or language barriers
  • Time poor learners - students who lack time and attention for studies due to other responsibilities and concerns
  • Underprepared learners - students who have a lack of understanding of how to study, either because they have never been taught or they are returning to education

Click the button to learn how you can support these groups of students with Glean.

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The data

How did we estimate that more than 80% of students at your University would be classed as "new majority learners"?

Through data made available through the National Center for Education Statistics.

Want to understand more about the "new majority"? Our experts will gladly walk you through the data and help you understand how you can reach the populations of students who need additional support.

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Support the "new majority" at your University with Glean

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Support learners with barriers

eg students with disabilities, ESL students

These students have accessibility needs - especially the hundreds, if not thousands of students at your University who have access needs but aren't seeking support.

Glean helps students to equitably access information in class and capture it for later study.

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Support time poor learners

eg working students, students with children

These students have efficiency needs - they lack time and attention for studies due to the competing demands on their life.

Glean helps these students to return to and summarize lecture content when missed due to work.

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Support underprepared learners

eg first generation students, mature students

These students have study skills needs - they often struggle a lecture-based learning environment, either because they've never been taught how to thrive, or because they're returning after a long break.

Glean's inbuilt CORA process teaches students how to study from lectures - by encouraging students to organise and refine their notes after class.

What is Glean?

Glean is a notetaking and study tool that helps students become more confident learners and get better results.
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Florida Atlantic University are supporting the "new majority" with Glean

93% of students at Florida Atlantic University were estimated to be part of the "new majority".

Michelle Shaw at Florida Atlantic University knew that there were many student populations at FAU who also needed additional support - support that would help them to persist and graduate from their studies.

Michelle advocated for Glean to be implemented campus wide and can now help countless students who wouldn't have qualified for traditional accommodations.

Find out how you could help more students on your campus.

Improve student outcomes and experience

Could you support more students at your University to see these improvements?

84 %

say they achieved better grades using Glean

86 %

became more confident learners using Glean

81 %

find studying less stressful using Glean



Enquire to learn more about taking Glean Site Wide at your University

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