
Glean Training and Accreditation

Join us for a comprehensive 60-minute training session on Glean, the powerful note taking software designed to boost productivity and learning.

We'll walk you through Glean's features in detail, from recording your first session to creating a complete set of multimedia notes. Explore exciting new additions like Scribble for handwritten notes, QuizMe for interactive self-testing, and AI-generated Outlines for streamlined navigation.

After the training, stick around for an optional 30-minute accreditation quiz. Lee will be available to offer support and guidance throughout the quiz. Successfully complete the quiz and receive your Glean Accreditation badge!

5th February 2025, 07:00AM (US Eastern Time)

ILL_AWARD success certificate rosette

During the session, you will learn how to:

  • Record events using the web & mobile app
  • Import and use lecture slides
  • Follow in real-time with live captions
  • Add a variety of different notes and labels
  • Transcribe your recordings
  • Generate an Outline of your recording
  • Add photos and handwritten notes with the mobile app
  • Test your knowledge with Quiz Me!
  • Review, refine, enrich & export your notes

Our instructors


Lee Chambers

Head of DSA & AT Services


Helena Harrison

Training & Account Manager

What do students say about Glean?


of students say they can better manage information overload using Glean.


of students say that they are a more confident learner.


of students said that Glean helped them achieve better grades.

Register for the webinar

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